Unless you are completely devoid of emotion the prospect of divorce will always be a daunting concept. Where am I going to live? Will there be enough money? Whose side will our friends take? And most important and worrying of all…what about the kids?
News - It's All About the Kids
News - Why Bankruptcy Works
For most of us building a high credit score is like having the golden ticket to being able to fund purchases that just aren’t accessible through regular monthly cash flow.
Even the most romantic of relationships can become torn apart when debt piles up and overwhelms every waking hour. It will come as no surprise that money and finances rank at number three in the top ten reasons behind failed marriages.
News - How to Handle Divorce and Bankruptcy
News - On Bankruptcy
Most adult Americans carry some form of debt, the most common being home mortgage, credit cards and student loans. Provided income exceeds repayment fees all’s well and good.
There’s no doubt that when a couple make their vows in marriage, they both believe that they are signing up for a lifetime commitment. Sadly, as we are all aware, that is not always the case.
News - Minnesota Divorce